Some time ago while researching her family history, Wendy learned that her Great great great grandparents were Swedish, from the province of Skåne, and city called Kristianstad. She was pretty excited to see that city, and our apartment work took us there from Jönköping the next day. She wanted to go walking in one of the cemeteries there to see if she could find some Larssons or Nilssons, but I convinced her that it would not be very fruitful, since about half of the cemetary was Larsson, Nilsson or Svensson. We checked into a hotel at the "Bishops Arms Hotel" and immediately took a walk to explore the city.
Another old hotel with lots of history. Modern and clean inside, and good food in the pub. (see below)
Swedish version of a "rack of ribs" Notice the "rödbet sallad" (red beet salad) It is quite common and very popular in Sweden.
Swedish fish and chips
Also, while in Kristianstad, it was "First Advent", celebrated on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Our hotel was just across the street from the big Svenska Kyrkan (Swedish Church - Lutheran) where we learned there would be choir concert that night. We called up the Sister missionaries and the Elders that are serving in Kristianstad, and the 6 of us went to the concert in the big church there.
Svenska Kyrkan across the street. Took this picture out our Hotel room
First Advent choir concert was attended by almost a full house. Swedes love to sing, generally, and choirs are highly respected. This choir was very good and performed for about an hour.